A Critical Considenration of Vaganova Method as Art Education: From Rousseau’s Discours Sur les Sciences et les Arts 예술교육으로써의 바가노바 교수법에 대한 비판적 고찰: 루소의 학문예술론적 관점에서
A Critical Considenration of Vaganova Method as Art Education: From Rousseau’s Discours Sur les Sciences et les Arts 예술교육으로써의 바가노바 교수법에 대한 비판적 고찰: 루소의 학문예술론적 관점에서
백지혜BackJi-Hea , 함정혜HahmChungHae
This study aimed to take a critical view of the Vaganova method in Russia that is widely used in Korea through Rousseau’s 「Discours sur les sciences et les arts」. The obtain the results of this study, first through the citation the original work of Rousseau’s 「Discours sur les sciences et les arts」, Second, I investigated the Vaganova method in Russia, using credible websites and foreign journals. After taking a critical view of the Korean educational system’s view on dance education, this reseacher has come to these three conclusions. First, the essence of artistic dance education is to pursue meaning through movement of the body and to aim to improve each student’s personal confidence. Dance should be a way for students to express themselves through movement. Second, Educational activity which promotes human dignity, the main purpose of education, is a creation class of a work of art that shows own philosophy. So students should be based on their own ideas. Thrid, We should make art education in harmomy with technique and emotional expression in order to overcome problems of technique-oriented method of expression. It was concerned that we will be able to achieve our dance as an art when choreography created with materials which show one’s philosophy, expressing a feeling with a meaning in a creative work, and the essence of dance and art education with philosophy are integrated.
Key Words
예술교육, 바가노바 교수법, 학문예술론, 무용교육, art education, vaganova method, Discours Sur les sciences et les arts, dance education
Sports Violence and the Birth of Victory Desire: Focusing on Rene Girard’s Desire Theory 스포츠폭력과 승리욕망의 탄생: Rene Girard의 욕망론을 통해서
Sports Violence and the Birth of Victory Desire: Focusing on Rene Girard’s Desire Theory 스포츠폭력과 승리욕망의 탄생: Rene Girard의 욕망론을 통해서
이강우LeeKang-Woo , 이제승LeeJe-Seung
All human desires are not spontaneous, we investigated how the mimesis desires to performed violence in sports for the desire subject(athletes) using Rene Girard’s “triangular desire” theory of imitation desire mediated by someone. From a Girard point of view, the desire for victory for athletes participating in sports competition is not a victory itself, but a desire for a model that has achieved victory. And because the athletes have a “desir metaphysique” to elevate the value of their being on the back of the object they desire to imitate, they are trying to gain victory through violence. However, victory through violence is an indication of a lack of respect for competing athletes due to the “realism and judgmental paralysis” of recognizing that sporting takes place in the rules and fair play that it is the illusion of a “desir metaphysique”that does not recognize differences in ability between players. This can be made guilty of exercising violence to win. The desire for good mimesis desires is a person who can recognize his own limitations. We must have a criterion of value judgment that can distinguish between good desires and non-desired desires for victory, desires to be strengthened and desires to be prohibited. When the self-control of victory imitation desire and the remorse of victory supremacy, it is possible to form the possibility to control the practical violence act of excess self-lust, which makes it possible for sports community without violence Can be created.
The Advanced Form of Sports and Enhanced Human Being through the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Why Enhanced Robot Can not be Attributed to Sports 4차산업혁명을 통해 발전된 스포츠의 모습 그리고 강화된 인간: 왜 강화된 로봇은 스포츠에 귀속될 수 없는가
The Advanced Form of Sports and Enhanced Human Being through the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Why Enhanced Robot Can not be Attributed to Sports 4차산업혁명을 통해 발전된 스포츠의 모습 그리고 강화된 인간: 왜 강화된 로봇은 스포츠에 귀속될 수 없는가
손용기SonYong-Gi , 강유원KangYu-Won
The purpose of this study is to identify the well-developed sports and the appearance of the right sportsman by presenting their existential value of sports that are changing through the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Therefore, based on the existential value of sports, it suggested that the reason why enhanced robot who were created through technological development could not be attributed to sports. First, it focused on the definition of sports. Second, it discussed the possibility of sportsmanship. Third, it defined the taste of sports is aesthetics of uncertainty. After presenting the existential value of sports, this study presented the right appearance that sports should have as a result of technological development and the sportsman that exist in them. First, it suggested the use of artificial intelligence in sports and its reference point. Second, it emphasized that artificial intelligence is an element of sports. Third, it defined the sportsman who was changed according to development of technology as enhanced human being.
Key Words
4차산업혁명, 인공지능, 강화된 로봇, 강화된 인간, fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence, enhanced robot, enhanced human being
A Case Study in the Participation Process of Participants Youth Sports Club: Focused on A Youth Sports Club 유소년 스포츠클럽 참여자의 참여 과정 사례연구: A 스포츠클럽 중심으로
A Case Study in the Participation Process of Participants Youth Sports Club: Focused on A Youth Sports Club 유소년 스포츠클럽 참여자의 참여 과정 사례연구: A 스포츠클럽 중심으로
최미영ChoiMi-Young , 정문현JungMoon-Hyun
The purpose of this study is to understand the participation process and their value and of participants who participated program activities in A youth sports club. For this, five young children, three parents and two instructors who had more than two years of experience were selected according to purposeful sampling method. The data were collected from in-depth interviews, training journals and participation observation and were analyzed with a method suggested by Yin (2003). The result of this study is as follows. Their participation process was revealed to be an introduction, an adaptation period and a growth phase. In the beginning of introduction, their participation got started with play activities and forming relationship with friends. In the adaptation period, they put affective value on the first place and problem solving abilities to cope with communication issues. In the growth phase, they had family oriented program activities and activities which are corresponding their goals between instructors and learners. This result of this study will be a good reference for the youth, parents and instructors of youth sports clubs to promote their positive interest in youth sports clubs and to develop effective systems and programs that will contribute to the development of youth sports clubs
Key Words
유소년 스포츠클럽, 참여 과정, 사례연구, youth sports clubs, participation process, a case study
The Internationalization of Wushu through Demonstration from 1949 to Early 1980s 1949년-1980년대 초기 시범을 통한 우슈의 국제화
The Internationalization of Wushu through Demonstration from 1949 to Early 1980s 1949년-1980년대 초기 시범을 통한 우슈의 국제화
리우창LiuChang , 정경원JungKyungwon
This research aims to analyze how the Wushu became well-known to the world by looking at its internationalization process from 1949 to the early 1980.
Chinese government and the related organizations, such as Chinese Wushu association, tried to promote Wushu to the world by strategically sending off Wushu teachers and education materials, promoting overseas demonstrations, and even creating Wushu movies, especially after 1978 when the Reform and opening policy adopted. While the details of international communication of Wushu before 1978 are not yet clear. Therefore, this study collected the related material from People’s Daily, the memoirs that were written by Wushu pioneers and the books of Wushu history. Also interviews and foreign newspapers were referred to understand the influences of the international communications of Wushu delegation as well as the foreigner’s attitude towards Wushu performance. The results are as follows.
1. After the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, the first international communication of Wushu was took place when Li Tianji taught Tai Chi to the Japanese politics (Matsumura Kenzo and Furui Yoshimi) in 1959. A year later, in 1960, the Wushu team performed in Prague (the second Spartakiad) in June and also visited Myanmar in December. 2. Wushu international communication was frequently done when foreign visitors came to China from 1961 to 1965. Wushu team in Beijing Sports Institute performed at least 11 times for the foreign guests during this period. 3. During the Cultural revolution (1966-1976), especially for the former 5 years, Wushu suffered great damage. Large number of martial artists were distributed to the rural area, normal Wushu activities were prohibited, weapons and books of Wushu were destroyed. 4. It was not until 1974 that international communication of Wushu started again when the delegation visited Mexico, United States, Hong Kong, and Japan. After that, from 1975 to 1981, Wushu delegation kept their active interactions by visiting 47 countries and areas in 5 continent.
Key Words
우슈대표단, 쿵푸, 시범, Wushu delegation, International communication, Kung-fu, Performance
Contextualizing Mommy Leadership in Sport: A Critical Review of Genealogy, Usages, and Components of Mommy Leadership 스포츠에서의 엄마리더십 맥락화: 엄마리더십 개념의 계보와 용법, 구성요소 탐색
Contextualizing Mommy Leadership in Sport: A Critical Review of Genealogy, Usages, and Components of Mommy Leadership 스포츠에서의 엄마리더십 맥락화: 엄마리더십 개념의 계보와 용법, 구성요소 탐색
Based on the proposition that media have dealt with mommy leadership as the way of the gender-biased, this study tried to critically review the components of the leadership concept by which this leadership could be developed as the theory-laden component. To this end, the author reviewed various types of articles covering mommy leadership, and discussed the genealogy, usage of the leadership and the key elements that constitute the concept. As a result, mommy leadership was introduced to us through several books in the early 2000s, and developed into a concept that explained the influence of women in the business, political and even sports worlds. In that process, a gender-biased frame confined mommy leadership to only “women/female leadership”, so that it made the concept unstable construction that is interpreted dangerously according to the performance of a female leader. Also, this leadership discursive process made a female coach dependent on a male director and overlooked the general usage by adopting this leadership concept only to women but to male leaders. However, this study demonstrated that mommy leadership can be applied to both men and women at the core, and could be theoretically sophisticated in exercising leadership withe the sub-components of softness and caring, for making social relations among athletes and directors.
The Effect of Social Support on Sport Commitment among Judo Athletes: The Mediating Effect of Resilience 유도선수의 사회적 지지가 스포츠전념에 미치는 영향: 회복탄력성의 매개효과
윤서진YounSeo-Jin , 장태석ChangTai-Seok , 이지항LeeJi-Hang
This study was to examine the relationship between social support and sport commitment and whether these relationships are moderated by resilience. Participants were 284 Judo athletes who registered in The Korea Judo Association in 2019. Frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, structure equation modeling analysis were performed with SPSS 23.0, AMOS 23.0 and Excel 2010 programs, and significance of mediated effect was verified with bootstrapping. The social support of judo athletes has positive relation with sport commitment, and resilience fully mediates the relation between social support and sport commitment. Through this study, it was found that social support and resilience is a necessary psychological factor for judo athletes to endure hard times and hard training.
Key Words
유도선수, 사회적 지지, 스포츠전념, 회복탄력성, judo athletes, social support, sport commitment, resilience
Analysis of Professional Baseball Fans’ Perception Type about Physical Environment of Professional Baseball Stadium: Q-methodological Approach 프로야구장의 물리적 환경에 대한 프로야구 팬들의 인식 유형 분석: Q방법론적 접근
Analysis of Professional Baseball Fans’ Perception Type about Physical Environment of Professional Baseball Stadium: Q-methodological Approach 프로야구장의 물리적 환경에 대한 프로야구 팬들의 인식 유형 분석: Q방법론적 접근
한경은HanKyungEun , 조광민ChoKwangMin , 박상현ParkSangHyun
The purpose of this research was to analyze the professional baseball fans’ perception type about physical environment of professional baseball stadium and to understand each type’s characteristics. With the purpose, Q methodology was applied. Participants of this study consisted of 31 professional baseball fans who once visited professional baseball stadium. Q populations were formed based on previous studies and literature research about stadium’s physical environment and in-depth interview. 34 statements out of the total 78 Q populations were selected as final Q samples. P samples were asked to answer the forced distribution through the 9-point score distribution table for finally selected 34 statements. Principal component analysis was performed through PQmethod program; and varimax was utilized for rotation method. Results were as followed; First, professional baseball fans’ perception type about physical environment of professional baseball stadium revealed to be three types, named as ‘safety seeking type’, ‘game spectating seeking type’, ‘convenient facilities seeking type’. Second, ‘safety seeking type’ considered that facilities for spectator and athletes’ safety were most important. ‘game spectating seeking type’ considered that facilities directly related to baseball spectating were most important. ‘convenient facilities seeking type’ considered that convenient facilities like seat and restroom should be clean and comfortable.
Key Words
프로야구장, 물리적 환경, Q방법론, professional baseball stadium, physical environment, Q-method
The Importance-satisfaction Analysis for Professional Soccer Facilities 프로축구 전용구장 시설에 대한 중요도-만족도 분석
The Importance-satisfaction Analysis for Professional Soccer Facilities 프로축구 전용구장 시설에 대한 중요도-만족도 분석
김경현KimKyoung-Hyun , 최의열ChoiEui-Yul , 김대욱KimDae-Uk
This study was carried out to improve the services provided by professional soccer stadiums and to provide marketing information that can contribute to the promotion of consumers' use, by using Importance-Satisfaction Analysis. In order to accomplish the purpose of the study, we conducted a survey questionnaire of 275 soccer fans. The data were validated through exploratory factor analyses and reliability tests, and the following conclusions were drawn by using a paired samples t-test and IPA technique. First, as a result of analyzing the difference between importance and satisfaction of the arenas, it was found that the satisfaction level was lower than the importance of cost factors. Second, the results of analysis of the importance and satisfaction of the facilities through IPA showed that the items in quadrant I (Keep up good work) were leisure, improvement of self-fulfillment, improvement of life satisfaction, communication between spectator and clubs, and promotion and information system of soccer games. Items in quadrant II (Possible overkill) included relieving stress, comfort of the seats, and additional facilities (food and commodity stores, restrooms, amusements, etc). Items in quadrant III (Low priority) included accessibility (traffic, parking, etc), convenience of the flow line, appropriateness of the time to cost, and the friendly and prompt guidance of the team staff. In quadrant IV (Concentrate here), there were interpersonal relationship, ticket price, appropriateness of the cost of using the additional facilities, financial support for accidents, and professional progress.
The Mediating Effect of Team Image in the Relationship between Strategic CSR and Spectator Intention to Professional Baseball Game Attendance: Moderated Mediation Effect of Team Identification 프로야구단의 전략적 CSR이 관람의도에 미치는 영향: 팀 이미지의 매개효과와 팀 동일시의 조절된 매개효과
The Mediating Effect of Team Image in the Relationship between Strategic CSR and Spectator Intention to Professional Baseball Game Attendance: Moderated Mediation Effect of Team Identification 프로야구단의 전략적 CSR이 관람의도에 미치는 영향: 팀 이미지의 매개효과와 팀 동일시의 조절된 매개효과
김동규Dong-KyuKim , 한진욱Jin-WookHan , 고인태In-TaeKo
The purpose of this study was to examine a mediating effect of the team image and a moderated mediation effect of team identification in the relation between the professional baseball team’s strategic CSR and spectator intention to attendance. Toward this end, a total of 200 respondents was selected using a quota sampling method and responded to the survey questionnaire. 200 usable data were utilized in data analyses procedure. Data were analyzed using frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analyses, path analysis and bootstrapping method with SPSS 23.0, SPSS macro(hayes). The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, strategic CSR of professional baseball teams had a positive effect on spectator intention to attendance. Secondly, it was found that the team image had a partial mediating effect in the relation between the strategic CSR and spectator intention to attendance. Thirdly, team identification moderated the mediation effect of team image between strategic CSR and spectator intention. In addition, discussion, practical implication, limitation were also suggested.
Key Words
전략적 CSR, 관람의도, 팀 이미지, 팀 동일시, 조절된 매개효과, strategic CSR, spectator intention to attendance, team image, team identification, moderated mediation
The Mediating Effect of Respect toward Leaders between Authentic Leadership and Team Citizenship Behavior in Sport: Team-Level Analysis 스포츠팀 리더의 진성리더십과 팀 시민행동의 관계에서 리더존경의 매개효과: 팀 수준 분석
The Mediating Effect of Respect toward Leaders between Authentic Leadership and Team Citizenship Behavior in Sport: Team-Level Analysis 스포츠팀 리더의 진성리더십과 팀 시민행동의 관계에서 리더존경의 매개효과: 팀 수준 분석
김소희KimSo-Hee , 이원재LeeWon-Jae
This research is to empirically examine the structural relationship of sport team leaders' authentic leadership, respect toward leaders, and team citizenship behavior through team level analysis. The survey was conducted among 414 athletes of 34 teams from Korean team sports including baseball, football, basketball, volleyball, handball, ice hockey, field hockey, and water polo. To examine hypotheses, SPSS PASW Statistics 18 and AMOS 18.0 were utilized. Especially, validity of data aggregation from individual to team level was verified through ICC(1), ICC(2), and rwg. The result of this study revealed that sport team leaders' authentic leadership positively affected respect toward leaders and team citizenship behavior and that respect toward leaders also positively influenced team citizenship behavior. In addition, it was found that respect toward leaders fully mediated the relationship between sport team leaders' authentic leadership and team citizenship behavior.
Key Words
팀 수준 분석, 진성리더십, 리더존경, 팀 시민행동, 스포츠팀, Team-level analysis, Authentic leadership, Respect toward leaders, Team citizenship behavior, Sport team
A Relationship among Expectancy Disconfirmation, Satisfaction, Behavioral Intention, and Support in Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games 평창동계올림픽의 기대불일치와 만족도, 행동의도 및 지지도 간의 관계
A Relationship among Expectancy Disconfirmation, Satisfaction, Behavioral Intention, and Support in Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games 평창동계올림픽의 기대불일치와 만족도, 행동의도 및 지지도 간의 관계
홍석표SeokPyoHong , BadrFallatah
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among expectancy disconfirmation, behavioral intention, and support for future mega sporting events. In order to achieve purpose of the study, 526 residents in hosting region were sampled. Frequency analysis, reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis, paired t-test, and structural equation modeling were used for data analysis. Results of this study are as follows. First, there are disconfirmation existed between expectation and achievement toward the games. In detail, achievement of the games were lower than expectation. Second, expectation before the games significantly influenced achievement and satisfaction of the games. Lastly, satisfaction of the game significantly influenced future behavioral intention and support for future mega sporting events.
Analysis of Local Government Response Statements to Media Reports on Sport Issues 비판적 언론보도에 대한 지방자치단체의 스포츠 관련 해명자료 특성 분석
김용은KimYong-Eun , 나동규NaDong-Kyu
Abstract This study analyzed the characteristics of sport-related statements distributed by local governments in response to critical media reports. For this purpose, data were collected from 10 municipalities that distributed sports related explanations. A total of 248 data were used for the final analysis. The results are as follows. First, in analyzing the level of clarification of sports related statements, ① the actual wives showed the highest proportion of 89 cases (36.0%). Second, as a result of analyzing the elucidation characteristics of sports related elucidation data, 16 cases (13.2%) with good clarification level, 19 cases of minimization / differentiation (15.7%), and 35 cases (28.9%) of behavior modification were the highest. Third, as a result of analyzing the correspondence method of sports related statements, there was statistically a relation between two variables. Based on these results, 37.9% of compromise, 35.9% of competition, and 26.2% of compliance were the result. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the relationship between the media type and the clarification level of the media subject, there is a statistically significant relationship between two variables. Fifth, the analysis of the relationship between the ideological inclination of the media subject and the clarification level showed that there is a statistically relationship between two variables. Sixth, as a result of analyzing the relationship between the clarification level of clarification data of sport related data and the clarification of grounded data, statistically, there was a relationship between two variables.
Key Words
지방자치단체, 언론, 비판적 보도, 해명자료, 대응전략, Local Government, Press, Critical Report, Statements, Response Strategy
The Comparative Effects of Consumption Behavior Factor on Aspirations for Sports VR(Virtual Reality) Contents of University Students: Focusing on the Experience of using VR Contents 대학생의 스포츠 VR(Virtual Reality) 콘텐츠 열망에 미치는 소비행동 요인 영향력 비교: VR 콘텐츠 이용경험 유무를 중심으로
The Comparative Effects of Consumption Behavior Factor on Aspirations for Sports VR(Virtual Reality) Contents of University Students: Focusing on the Experience of using VR Contents 대학생의 스포츠 VR(Virtual Reality) 콘텐츠 열망에 미치는 소비행동 요인 영향력 비교: VR 콘텐츠 이용경험 유무를 중심으로
김종순KimJongsoon , 연분홍YeonBoonhong , 오세숙OhSaesook
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relative strength of the effects of the consumption behavior factors about the respondents’aspirations for sports VR contents based on their experiences of using VR contents. In fulfilling this aim, it has employed hierarchical analysis being able to identify between their past experiences of using VR contents and their aspirations for sports VR contents. The results of this study as follows: First, for the group who had past experiences of using VR contents. Anticipated emotion is the most influential variable to enhance their aspirations for sports VR contents, which is followed by past experiences. However, their majors, perceived behavior control and subjective norm have no influence on this inter-relationship. Second, for the group who had not past experiences of using VR contents, subjective norm is the most important variable to enhance their aspirations for sports VR contents, which is followed by anticipated experiences and past experiences. However, their majors and perceived behavior control have no impact on this inter-relationship. Such results suggest that there are different factors to be able to enhance their aspirations for sports VR contents based on their past experiences of using VR contents. In particular, It is founded that the group who had not past experiences of using VR contents place much more importance on subjective norm of other people’s agreement or understanding on their purchase of sports VR contents than their anticipated emotion for the VR contents.
Development of Core Competency Indicators of University Dance Majors 대학 무용전공자 핵심역량 지표 개발
This study aims to develop core competency indicators of university dance majors. For this study, a core competency model of university dance majors was constructed based on literature reviews on core competencies and there was an in-depth interview with 21 excellent dance majors, who achieved results in career development to consider and conceptualize the characteristics of the contents. Then an experts’ meeting with 6 experts in dance and competencies was conducted to obtain the validity of the organization system. The study results are as follows. First, in terms of the orientation of core competency indicators of university dance majors, there is a need to develop learning competencies and vocational competencies based on cognitive competencies in order to enhance future competencies. Second, components of university dance majors’ core competencies were learning competencies (learning cognition, learning attitude, learning practice, learning management) and vocational competencies (career consciousness, career search, career design, career development). Third, with regard to core competency indicators of dance majors, components of learning competencies consist of 11 sub-indicators (learning perspective, self-cognition, confidence cognition, reason for learning, learning attitude, learning plan, learning activity, grade management, self-management, learning environment, learning principle) and 56 behavioral indicators, and components of vocational competencies consist of 8 sub-indicators (self-understanding, the occupational world, job information search, workplace structure search, career goal, job design, job preparation, job practice) and 46 behavioral i ndicators. In c onclusion, t his s tudy h as s ignificance b y proposing n ormative s tandards f or s elf-directed enhancement of core competencies, which are required for career development of university dance majors.
Key Words
대학 무용, 핵심역량, 역량 지표, 학습역량, 직업역량, university dance, core competency, competency indicator, learning competency, vocational competency
A Case Study on the Community Dance Program < Gesture Class >: Focusing on Education Effect and Meaning 지역사회 기반 커뮤니티 댄스 프로그램 <몸짓교실> 사례연구: 교육효과 및 의미를 중심으로
A Case Study on the Community Dance Program < Gesture Class >: Focusing on Education Effect and Meaning 지역사회 기반 커뮤니티 댄스 프로그램 <몸짓교실> 사례연구: 교육효과 및 의미를 중심으로
The Korean Arts and Culture Education Service has been promoting community-led and consumer-oriented education since the announcement of the Comprehensive Plan for Arts & Culture Education in 2018. However, the results of community-based dance programs have not been studied quantitatively and qualitatively and classes have not been designed from a researcher's perspective. This study designed and implemented a community-based dance program in order to provide data that comprehensively identifying the significance of local arts and culture education and to explore strategies for further development. After the program was administered, a response sample t-test and a correlation analysis were performed to analyze the quantitative effects, focusing on three factors: confidence, physical self-efficiency, and psychological well-being. The results showed a significant difference in the participants’ confidence after the program. Additionally, a significant correlation was found between confidence and psychological well-being. Qualitatively, I found educational significance in being active as a senior and in the feelings of leisure and community that body-based education for the 50+ generation gave me.
Key Words
지역문화예술교육, 커뮤니티 댄스, 자신감, 신체적 자기효능감, 심리적 행복감, Local culture and arts education, Community dance, Confidence, Physical efficacy, Psychological well-being
Composition of Visit-customized Movement Program Utilizing Care Workers for the Home-cared Elderly with Dementia 방문요양보호사를 활용한 재가 치매노인대상 방문 맞춤형 움직임 프로그램 구성요소
Composition of Visit-customized Movement Program Utilizing Care Workers for the Home-cared Elderly with Dementia 방문요양보호사를 활용한 재가 치매노인대상 방문 맞춤형 움직임 프로그램 구성요소
The purpose of this study was to consider composition of the movement program for the elderly with dementia to develop visit-customized movement program. For the study, 20 experts were selected including 8 dance therapists, 2 dementiaspecialized doctors, 5 physical education leaders of the elderly, and 5 geriatric care helpers. First Delphi data, which listed items, was used to analyze content. Second and third Delphi questionnaires, which evaluated importance in Likert scale, was used to calculate content validity rate, average, standard deviation, quartile, convergence degree, and concurrence degree of each composition. 46 core composition of movement program for the elderly, which were selected and highlighted by the experts, were departmentalized into 6 considered compositions of movement program. 7 required composition of movement program, 1 Appropriate frequency of 3 times in a week and 1 30 minutes for each exercise, 1 operation method, 5 appropriate exercise of rhythm expression, 4 appropriate aerobic exercise, 4 appropriate muscle exercises, 5 appropriate stretches, 3 appropriate partner exercises 4 Appropriate massages, 5 appropriate tools
Key Words
치매노인, 방문 맞춤형 움직임프로그램, 고려요소, 필요요소, 빈도, 시간, 운영방식, 근력운동, 스트레칭, 유산소운동, 파트너운동, 마사지, 소도구, elderly with dementia, visit-customized movement program, Considered composition, Required composition, Appropriate frequency, time, aerobic exercise, muscle exercises, stretches, partner exercises, massages, tools
The Criminal Responsibilities of Youth Sports Club Coach against the Using Prohibited Drugs of Underaged Aathletes 유소년 선수의 도핑행위에 대한 스포츠 클럽 지도자의 형사책임
The Criminal Responsibilities of Youth Sports Club Coach against the Using Prohibited Drugs of Underaged Aathletes 유소년 선수의 도핑행위에 대한 스포츠 클럽 지도자의 형사책임
정태린TaerinChung , 노용구Yong-KooNoh
In recent years, doping has been considered as one of the major causes of legal problems beyond recognition as mere unethical behavior around the world. This is because some elements of the law of violation are found in positive law of Korea, other than damaging the health of individuals or causing problems in the fairness of sports in the course of doping acts. Moreover, the fact that doping is penetrating deep into the field of living sports beyond the scope of very few deviations in the field of elite athletes has an important need for this study to be conducted. In response. This study sought to approach the sports club leader’s criminal responsibility for doping by underage students in the form of a case analysis based on legal books and academic journals. More fundamentally, the purpose of the law is to define criminal liability based on the law related to this study. Based on the purposes of this research, the results of the study are as follows: First, the offence of injury under Article 257 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law shall constitute. Second, the Article 15 paragraph 2 of the National Sports Promotion Act and Article 12 paragraph 2 of the School Sports Promotion Act was violated. Third, child abuse charges do not constitute. Fourth, it is a violation of Article 27 paragraph 1 of the Medical Service Act, Article 61 of the Pharmacist Act and Article 5 of the Special Act on the Suppression of Health Crimes. Fifth, there is no reason for illegality even if there is consent from students and parents. It is hoped that the study will serve as a small role in strengthening the nation’s anti-doping capabilities.
Key Words
유소년 스포츠클럽, 지도자, 수강생, 금지약물, 형사 책임, 스포츠 법, Youth Sports Club, Coach, Club members, prohibited drugs, criminal responsibility, Sports Law
A Research on Quantification of Stepwise Exercise Intensity Based on Maximal Minute Power Test in Elite Cyclists Maximal Minute Power Test에 의한 엘리트 사이클 선수의 단계별 운동부하설정에 관한 연구
A Research on Quantification of Stepwise Exercise Intensity Based on Maximal Minute Power Test in Elite Cyclists Maximal Minute Power Test에 의한 엘리트 사이클 선수의 단계별 운동부하설정에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to digitally establish a specific stepwise exercise load on cycling training program by using variables related to pedaling power (PP) generated from Maximal Minute Power Test (MMPT) performed on elite cyclists. As a result of GXT, VO2max was 62.0±7.42 ml/kg/min, Exercise Time (ET) was 531.86±76.21 sec, Peak Pedaling Power (PPP) was 380.0±34.06 watts and Functional Threshold Power ( FTP) was observed at 301.87±29.96 watts. VO2max was significantly correlated to ET (R2 = .633, p <.01), relative PPP (R2 = .538, p <.05), and relative FTP (R2 = .658, p <.05). 01), and ET showed a significant correlation with PPP (R2 = .775, p <.01) and FTP (R2 = .773, p <.01) The higher the PPP, the higher the correlation with FTP (R2 = .883, p <.01). Based on these findings, exercise intensity zones for active recovery, endurance, tempo, lactate threshold, VO2max, and anaerobic capacity were <166 watts, 169±17.0∼226±22.4 watts, 230±22.8∼272±27.0 watts, 275±27.3∼312±36.7 watts, 320±31.8∼362±36.0 watts and 365±36.3∼453±45.0 watts. As a result of these research results, it is necessary to develop and apply a training program based on PP based exercise to improve FTP and PPP for endurance performance.
Comparisons of Bone Mineral Density, Body Composition and Isokinetic Muscle Function in Elite Alpine and Cross-country Ski Athletes 엘리트 알파인과 크로스컨트리 스키선수의 골밀도와 신체구성 및 등속성 근기능의 비교
Comparisons of Bone Mineral Density, Body Composition and Isokinetic Muscle Function in Elite Alpine and Cross-country Ski Athletes 엘리트 알파인과 크로스컨트리 스키선수의 골밀도와 신체구성 및 등속성 근기능의 비교
채정훈ChaiJungHoon , 정금혜ZhengJinHui , 김진해KimJinHae
This study was designed to analyze the physical characteristics and muscular function of lower extremity muscles of the elite alpine(AP, n=6, 20.5±2.6years, 176.3±7.9cm) and cross-country(CC, n=8, 18.4±2.1, 172.4±3.5cm) skiers with more than 7 years of careers using by DEXA(dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) and isokinetic methods.
The results of this study showed that the body weight of AP(78.8±11.1kg) was higher than CC(65.4±5.7kg) athletes(p=0.01). The bone mineral density(BMD, g/cm2) and bone mineral component(BMC, g) of the trunk were higher in AP(1.092± 0.105g/cm2, 1182.5±268.6g) than CC(0.973±0.065g/cm2, 906.4±141.4g)(p=0.02). Total bone mineral components were higher in AP(3512.6±578.1g) than CC(2940.2±398.9)(p=0.048) while there was no significant difference in arm and leg. Lean mass(kg) was not different in between groups(p>0.05), while percent body fat(%) was significantly different in between groups. There was no significant difference in isokinetic muscle function between knee extensor and flexor muscles both AP and CC.
In conclusion, the Alpine athlete’s training programs needs to include ways to improve BMD and to maintain ideal weight by increasing lean mass. Cross-country athletes should reduce weight, and maintain high rate of lean mass and include both muscle power increasing program and endurance training.
Key Words
알파인스키, 크로스컨트리스키, 골밀도, 신체구성, 등속성, Alpine ski, Cross-country ski, Bone mineral density, Body composition, Isokinetics
Effects of Back Swing Speed on Golf Swing 백스윙 스피드가 골프 스윙에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of backswing speed on the golf swing using the 7 iron club for golf players and to provide basic data about the swing tempo and rhythm. Ten male golfers were participate in the experiment(age: 20.7±3.8 yr, height: 175.7±5.0 cm, weight: 76.9±8.5 kg, handy: 2.0±1.8). The intentional backswing speed was analyzed through three conditions(normal backswing: normal, fast backswing: fast, slow backswing: slow). Trackman data, swing time, displacement of center of mass, club head velocity, and ground reaction force were calculated through trackman, 3D motion analysis system and ground reaction force. In the power of the trackman data, club speed and ball speed fast appeared in the fast backswing depending on the backswing speed. In the swing time, the influence of the backswing speed did not appear in the downswing phase except for the backswing phase. Displacement of center of mass was not affected by the backswing speed. The club head velocity was faster at fast backswing speed at impact, and the follow swing was fast at fast backswing only on X axis. The ground reaction force did not show a difference the Fx and Fz on the backswing speed. However, in the Fy at the takebacks, the right foot showed a large rightward force and the left foot showed a large leftward force in the slow backswing.
Key Words
백스윙 스피드, 골프 스윙, 운동학, 운동역학, 지면반력, back swing speed, golf swing, kinematics, kinetics, ground reaction force
The Classification of Year, Grand Slam, and Tournament with ATP Official Data in Tennis using Self-Organizing Map: Based on the Data from 1991 to 2017 자기구성지도를 이용한 테니스 ATP 공식기록 기반 연도, 그랜드슬램 여부, 토너먼트의 분류: 1991-2017년 자료를 중심으로
The Classification of Year, Grand Slam, and Tournament with ATP Official Data in Tennis using Self-Organizing Map: Based on the Data from 1991 to 2017 자기구성지도를 이용한 테니스 ATP 공식기록 기반 연도, 그랜드슬램 여부, 토너먼트의 분류: 1991-2017년 자료를 중심으로
최형준ChoiHyongjun , 이윤수LeeYunSoo
The purpose of this study was to identify the potential results of classification of Tennis ATP Official Data by year, Grand Slam, and Tournament. For this study, the data on the ATP Official web site was collected by Microsoft Excel ver. 2016 with Visual Basic for Application scripts. The dependent variables were year, Grand Slam, and tournament, totally 3 dependent variables used. And totally 48 independent variables used, such as 24 variables relating to the winners’ performances and 24 variables relating to the losers’ performances. The self-organizing map and cluster analysis were utilized with 10 by 10 size of self-organizing map which of 300 times learning procedures in order to process the data. Additionally the topographical error was calculated on year, Grand Slam and tournament between raw data and the results of classification. Consequently, there were three conclusions found as following; Firstly, there were no classification found on the data of 2003 and 2004 years after the analysis of classification between raw data and the result of classification based on the tennis ATP official data. Secondly, the classification process was well executed on all data after the analysis of classification between raw data and the result of classification based on the tennis ATP official data. Thirdly, 14 numbers of tournament was not possibly classified within this study after the analysis of classification between raw data and the result of classification based on the tennis ATP official data.
Key Words
테니스 공식기록, 테니스 공식기록의 분류, 자기구성지도, 군집분석, 빅데이터, Tennis official data, Classification of tennis official data, Self-organizing map, Cluster analysis, Bigdata
The Mediating Effects of Sport Attitude on the Relationship between the Sense of Loss and Health Promoting Behaviors of Persons with Physical Disabilities 지체장애인의 상실감과 건강증진행동의 관계에서 스포츠 태도의 매개 효과검증
The Mediating Effects of Sport Attitude on the Relationship between the Sense of Loss and Health Promoting Behaviors of Persons with Physical Disabilities 지체장애인의 상실감과 건강증진행동의 관계에서 스포츠 태도의 매개 효과검증
원영인WonYoungin , 김지태KimJi-Tae
The purpose of this study was to verify the mediating effect of sport attitude on the relationship between the sense of loss and health promotion behaviors of persons with physical disabilities. By using purposeful sampling method, the subjects were 222 persons with physical disabilities who participated in welfare center for the disabled in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Chungcheong provinces. The questionnaire used in the preliminary study was revised and supplemented. The researcher and the research assistant visited the welfare center for the disabled. The collected data were analyzed by frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation through SPSS and Amos statistical program. The results were as follows. First, the sense of loss had a negative effect on health promotion behavior of persons with physical disabilities. Second, the sport attitude showed a perfect mediating model in relation to the sense of loss and health promotion behavior of persons with physical disabilities. This study suggests the development of various programs that can form positive sports attitude in order to solve social problems related to the health of persons with physical disabilities.
Key Words
지체장애인, 상실감, 건강증진행동, 스포츠 태도, 매개 효과 검증, Persons with physical disabilities, Sense of loss, Health promotion behavior, Sports attitude, Mediating effect
The Effect of Participation in Gateball on Body Insight and Leisure Benefit of the Physically Disabled 지체장애인의 게이트볼 참여가 신체통찰력 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Participation in Gateball on Body Insight and Leisure Benefit of the Physically Disabled 지체장애인의 게이트볼 참여가 신체통찰력 및 여가이득에 미치는 영향
최수정ChoiSoo-Jeong , 이현수LeeHyun-Su
The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of participation in gateball of the physically disabled on body insight and leisure benefit. This study conducted a survey of 243 physically disabled people living in the city of B and P using a revised questionnaire for the purpose of the study. Data processing was performed using the SPSS 25.0 program to perform exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way analysis, and simple regression analysis. As a result, first, the analysis of the characteristics of physically observation and leisure margin by demographic characteristics of people with disabilities (sex, age, disability type, disability grade) showed no significant difference. Second, it was found that the participation of the physically disabled in the gateball has a significant impact on the body insight and leisure benefit. Based on these result, participation in gateball should be actively carried out to enhance the body insight and leisure benefit of physically disabled. Further research is also expected to have a positive effect as a motivational element by identifying the relationship between the body insight and leisure benefit of physically disabled through participation in various sports and sports for the disabled as well as gate balls, and the need for continued research.
Key Words
지체장애인, 게이트볼, 신체통찰력, 여가이득, physical disabled, physical disabled-people with physical disabilities, gateball, body insight, leisure benefit